Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) & Skill Assessment
ICAN-B behavioral and skill assessments differ from a diagnostic assessment. The primary goal of a diagnostic assessment is to evaluate your child and see if he or she fits the various definitions and characteristics of ASD. On the other hand, the assessments that we conduct at ICAN-B serve mainly two purposes: 1) to get a deeper understanding of your child's inappropriate behaviors so that interventions can be developed to improve these issues and 2) to evaluate your child's current skill levels and deficits so that individualized goals can be developed for your child. Improving inappropriate behaviors and having appropriate individualized goals are extremely critical for you child so that he or she can start the road of recovery.
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is often the first step to determine what your child's needs are and how we can effectively provide quality behavioral services to support your family. In this process, multiple interviews and observations will be conducted by our BCBA or senior clinician to pinpoint your child's needs in different areas (social, communication, independent living skills, motor and fine motor skills, challenging behaviors) for our assessor to develop a tailored acquisition curriculum and behavioral intervention plan for your child and family.
A number of assessment tools might be used in our FBA interviews, for example:
- Vineland 3
- Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP)
- The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised (ABLLS-R)
- The Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS)
- Questions About Behavioral Functions (QABF)
- Reinforcement Assessment for Individual with Severe Disabilities (RAISD)
- ICAN-B's Indirect Assessment Packet
A comprehensive assessment report will then be written by our assessor after the interview and direct observation session. The main goal of our assessment report is to give you a complete picture about your child's skills in different areas, and what we can do as professionals to help your child to achieve his or her goals.
ICAN-B is contracted with the Los Angeles Unified School District to conduct Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE). Please contact us if you would like our clinical team to conduct this type of assessment.